Primary Care Pearls

Introducing our Mailbox! 📬

• Season 1

In a quick bonus episode, our hosts Nate and Maisie introduce themselves and encourage, you, our listeners, to share your reactions and questions with us at  Speak Pipe. If you do, we might feature you on a future Mailbox episode!

=== About Us ===
The Primary Care Pearls (PCP) Podcast is created in collaboration with faculty, residents, and students from the Department of Internal Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine. The project aims to create accessible and informative podcasts for furthering the medical education of residents and clinicians in early stages of their careers. Building on the work of other medical education podcasts, Primary Care Pearls includes contributions from patients themselves, who have the autonomy to share their own experiences of how their primary care physician directly impacted the quality of their care.

Hosts: Nate Wood, Maisie Orsillo
Logo and name: Eva Zimmerman
Theme music and Editing: Josh Onyango
Producers: Helen Cai
Other background music: penguinmusic

Instagram: @pcpearls
Twitter: @PCarePearls
Listen on most podcast platforms:

 [00:00:00] Nate: Hi, and welcome to a quick mini episode of primary care pearls. A podcast made by learners for learners, and most importantly led by our patient stories. This is Nate. I'm one of your hosts for the primary care pearls podcast.

[00:00:17] And I'm joined here by our other host maze. Hi, ma. Hi,

[00:00:21] Maisie: Hi,

[00:00:21] Nate: how's it going?

[00:00:22] Maisie: pretty good

[00:00:23] Nate: It's so nice to see you, I think we just wanted to kind of take a few minutes and introduce ourselves so that folks know kind of, uh, a little bit of background behind all these voices that they're gonna be hearing on the podcast.

[00:00:39] So, um, you know, for those of you who don't know Maisie, she's, uh, currently a third year in our program and is, uh, a really fun spirit and, uh, really fun to work with. So ma why don't you go and tell everyone a little bit about. Well,

[00:00:50] Maisie: Oh, thanks. I really appreciate being described as a fun spirit.

[00:00:55] Nate: it's accurate

[00:00:56] Maisie: well, thanks. Um, so yeah, just a little bit about myself. Um, I grew up in upstate New York. Um, and then I did my undergrad training at Cornell. I went to, uh, Touro college of osteopathic medicine for my medical training, uh, in between those two things.

[00:01:11] I actually took a gap year and worked for AmeriCorps,doing a service year, which was wonderful. after. Touro I couples matched here to the Yale primary care program for my internal medicine residency.

[00:01:26] Nate: and the rest is history So she's, uh, she's a third year here. And then, uh, what do you have planned after, after residency?

[00:01:33] Maisie: right now planning to do a chief year here for the residency

[00:01:37] Nate: woo program. Yes.

[00:01:39] Maisie: beyond that I'm interested in, uh, clinician educator work and, and staying connected with academics. I very much enjoy teaching and medical education.

[00:01:47] Nate: Ah,

[00:01:47] Maisie: is why I'm part of this

[00:01:49] Nate: I was gonna say you're in the right place, right? Yeah. Tell me more about what'd you do in that year for AmeriCorps?

[00:01:53] I hadn't realized that you did that. What kind of work were you doing?

[00:01:56] Maisie: Oh yeah, no. So I worked as a, a health advocate at a clinic that provides, um, medical, dental and counseling services to patients who don't have health insurance or who are underinsured. so yeah, it was really fabulous work to be

[00:02:10] Nate: Oh, super important work.

[00:02:12] Yeah. I wish I wish more people could kind of be engaged in that kind of work. I think it, it helps you just, you know, develop a, a whole understanding and appreciation of what happens in our healthcare system and, you know, builds empathy and, you know, those resources are so important and so often taken for granted.

[00:02:24] So that's.

[00:02:25] so, , uh, for those of you who don't know me, my name's Nate, um, I'm originally from a small city in Michigan called Muskegon. Um, and then I stayed in Michigan for a very long time for my education. I did undergrad in linguistics at the university of Michigan. Went a little farther east.

[00:02:39] To Detroit, where I did medical school at Wayne state. Um, and during those four years I took a one year, um, academic leave to actually go to culinary school as well. So I lived in New York for that year, which was mad fun. Um, and then after that, like maze, uh, matched here to the Yale primary care program.

[00:02:57] And I just graduated, um, after three years of residency, which has. Exactly. Yeah. That's how I feel too. Um, and now I'm, I just started a two year medical education fellowship here at Yale. So, um, I'll be getting a master's in health science and medical education, um, kind of working as an attending with the residents and the new interns, which I'm really excited about.

[00:03:18] And then, um, kind of working largely on a project, um, focused on developing culinary medicine curricula for medical trainees. And also like maze wanna stay in academics. So, um, really happy to be part of this podcast and happy to be doing it with Maisie. Amazing.

[00:03:34] Maisie: Wow, what an amazing journey.

[00:03:37] Nate: oh yeah. We've had fun, right. 

So how's PGY three going for you so far. It's just a couple weeks in now, but

[00:04:34] Maisie: Yeah, moving along. I feel like by third year, honestly, you kind of hit your stride a little bit. I mean, you can also hit your wall. Um, but I feel like now I sort of, you know, I know what I'm doing. We have lovely new interns coming in and I just so appreciate their energy and the ability to teach them and actually feel like I am.

[00:04:53] Being helpful and, uh, knowing how to best care for my patients. So, um, I it's actually been enjoyable so far and now I'm back in clinic. So life is always a touch better in clinic.

[00:05:04] Nate: oh, life is so good in clinic.Well, I, I, I'm sure you're just as excited for this season as I am. It's kind of cool to see everything getting started. We've had, um, yeah, we've been involved in so many of these episodes, I think 15 in total for the first season, um, spread between five different series.

[00:05:40] So, uh, which, which ones did you work on? Um, hypertension and diabetes primarily.

[00:05:46] Maisie: which i was super excited about. 

[00:05:48] Nate: Yes. Oh, I can't wait to listen. Um, I, I got to work on opioid use disorder and nutrition, and then we both did the metabolic health series. So it was kind of fun to work with you on that. And we're really excited for the listeners to be able to hear all that stuff too.

[00:06:00] Enough about us enough about us. We actually, this, uh, this short little episode is we came here with a mission and it's to tell people about something called speak pipe. I'm trying to really enunciate that I had never heard of speak pipe before we started using this. What about you?

[00:06:19] Maisie: Mean neither. Nope. I'm a little bit of an old person when it comes to all things technology

[00:06:24] Nate: Oh, me too. Me too. Yeah. We, we decided to do this podcast. Right. And then suddenly there was all these apps and websites, things I'd never heard of. And I was like, oh man, my nose has been in the medical book for, you know, a decade and suddenly I'm way behind everyone.

[00:06:36] So I I'm glad you feel the same way. Um, so SpeakPipe, is this website where podcast listeners can kind of record short little voice memos and then send them to the producers of the podcast. So this is really cool. we set up a, a site on, on speak pipe so that our, our listeners can send us. Um, all kinds of feedback and we're, we're not just looking for, you know, just medical providers to send us voice memosbut also patients and other non-medical folks too. So, um, anyone who's taken a listen to the podcast, we'd love to hear from you.

[00:07:10] Maisie: Yeah, totally. And, you know, I think what's so great about this platform is that you can send in any of your thoughts. So your most burning questions, your reactions to an episode, um, if you've had similar personal experiences, if a patient's story resonates with you, um, and you wanna share those reflections with us, um, or maybe fun, new facts that you've learned, we hope that you're always learning something from our episodes and we just really wanna get your thought.

[00:07:36] Nate: So this is how you do it. You go to our link tree, another one of these websites that I wasn't really familiar. So link tree that's L I N K T R E pearls. You can also get to our link tree on our Instagram, which is at PC pearls.

[00:07:53] And the link tree is also linked in the show notes and those show notes are available wherever you get your podcast. So, um, lots of ways to get to our link tree, but once you get there, if you kind of scroll down to the bottom, you'll see a button that says, send us a voice message. So you click on. And then it'll take you to speak pipe where you can record your voice message.

[00:08:12] You can listen back to it. You can rerecord it if you'd like, and then all you do is click send and it'll make its way over to our podcast production team. So we can take a listen.

[00:08:20] Maisie: And then what we're really excited about is not only getting your thoughts longitudinally as we bring out our new episodes, but we would love to combine these into a letters to

[00:08:31] letters to editor episode or, or I don't know, Nate, your thoughts on the name, uh, voice memos to the podcast team,

[00:08:39] Nate: Yeah. Something like something like that, something shorter. We can think of something better.

[00:08:43] Maisie: Yeah. I mean maybe, maybe like a mailbox. Yeah.

[00:08:46] Nate: Yeah, exactly. I like that a mailbox episode, so people can send us their mail, quote unquote, in the form of voice messages.

[00:08:53] And then, uh, we'll check our mailbox and, and be able to, you know, loop in any experts if needed or kind of address people's questions, hear some patient experiences. And, and we'd love to hear from you all.

[00:09:07] Maisie: All right.

[00:09:07] Nate: And the last thing on our to-do list, don't forget to leave us a rating. Leave us a review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

[00:09:14] Yeah. By showing your support, this will help others find us here at our podcast. all right.

[00:09:20] Maisie: Yeah. Your support. This will help others find this year at our podcast.

[00:09:20] Nate: Amazing. All right. So that's, I think all we have for you guys today. So in summary, I'm. And

[00:09:23] Maisie: I'm Maisie

[00:09:23] Nathan and we're your

[00:09:25] we're your host

[00:09:27] Nate: We're so happy to have you along for this ride with us.

[00:09:30] Maisie: So make sure to send us voice messages of your questions, reactions, and experiences on speak pipe. We'd love to hear from.

[00:09:37] Nate: from, and of course, leave us a rating. Throw us a review and subscribe.

[00:09:42] Maisie: We'll catch you next time on primary care pearls.

[00:09:45] Nate: Bye.

[00:09:46] Maisie: I'm Maisie Nathan and we're your

[00:10:22] we're your host

[00:10:25] Nate: okay. Let's try that again. That's so ridiculous. We, you guys, we have to get this. We knew it was gonna be cheesy, but it's gonna be good.